
33.5.3 Accreditation Process Orientation

  • 2 May 2024
  • 5 replies


Does anyone have a PowerPoint or presentation material regarding this proof? We are in the self-assessment phase and need to cover this ASAP. It would help with the buy-in and our employees' understanding of the CALEA standard and process.

5 replies

Userlevel 4
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If you want to send me an email I can send you ours but it is specific to our agency and is from bullet a of that standard as opposed to bullet b but if you want it let me know 

We used the infographic from the Calea website and a link to the Calea video that is on youtube. I would also suggest a letter from the CEO stating why they are choosing for the agency to be accredited. 

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33.5.3 Accreditation Orientation Help  


Good morning! I am in need of help with this Standard as well!  Any help would be greatly appreciated! My email is:


