
Secured Location for Warrants

  • 17 April 2024
  • 4 replies



Is there a particular PowerDMS standard that addresses Warrants being stored in a secured location such as a locked file cabinet or office?

We know it is a GCIC requirement and thought it was addressed in a standard as well, but have not been able to locate it thus far. 

Please Advise

Thank You

Diane Keith


4 replies


I don’t believe so. Standard 74.1.3 bullet g just says 24 access is required. You could always add the line to your written directive though.

Userlevel 2

I saw the same standard and adding too much security could hinder its availability if needed, so you may want to be careful about what (if anything) you add beyond that.

CALEA 82.1.1 [Central Records] Privacy and Security applies to all agency records, including warrants.


Userlevel 2

@Diane.K16 CALEA does not explicitly require warrants to be stored in a secure location, but I would go with on this one and say that standard 82.1.1 requires agencies to address the security of records and controlled access to records in policy.
