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Please see the (short) list of courses that will be retired on January 1, 2025.

You may refer to the list of courses and their suggested replacements in the spreadsheet located at the bottom of this article.

Please be sure that any Learning Plans are updated with the course replacements and remind users currently in progress to complete the course(s) prior to the retirement date.

Additionally, the following courses are scheduled to be UPDATED on 1/1/2025. No additional actions are required, but any users currently enrolled in these courses will need to complete them by 1/1/2025 to avoid needing to be dropped and re-enrolled.

  • Ethical Decision Making in the Workplace HU56
  • Title IX Final Rule 2024 for Faculty and Staff HW75
  • Title IX, The Clery Act, and VAWA for Faculty and Staff HE18
  • The Science of Personal Productivity BH13
  • Brain Bites - Organizing Your Files BG04
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