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Hi all,

Everyone knows that Onboard can be used for preboarding, onboarding, and offboarding, but did you know that you can also facilitate position changes in the system? The Promote action, a longstanding feature in Onboard, was recently relabelled to Position Change to reflect its versatility. Use this action to facilitate promotions, demotions, transfers and more.

Log into Onboard and navigate to the Employee Details page of an active employee. From here, select the gear icon and then Position Change. 

From here, simply follow the three-step wizard to facilitate the position change. You will be able to update the position start date, position information, direct manager, and assign new checklists*.

We hope you enjoy this minor change. This enhancement will also be covered in our quarterly release notes that will be published in January.



Onboard Team


* At this time, it is not possible to assign the same checklist to a user twice.