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Release Date: 02/14/2025


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Reporting and Analytics


Vetted now includes reporting and analytics!

Admins can access a new Report tab on their dashboard to explore data and visualize key metrics about background investigations. Initially, two reports are available:

  • PHS Invitations vs. Submitted: Tracks PHS invitations sent and completed submissions, offering insights into applicant engagement.
  • Applicant Snapshot: Provides a centralized view of applicant information, including personal details, background data, and investigator assignments.

Keep reading for details!




Administrators, HR Admins, Anyone with access to Reporting and Analytics.




We are excited to announce the addition of reporting and analytics to Vetted. This new feature provides Vetted Admins comprehensive insights into your background investigation processes through data exploration and a dashboarding interface. You can now visualize key metrics, gain a deeper understanding of applicant data, and even generate and schedule detailed reports. This enhancement enables more informed decision-making by providing access to critical data and trends. Increased transparency in your processes fosters trust and accountability within your organization. By leveraging these powerful analytics tools, you can optimize your hiring strategies, ensure compliance, and enhance overall efficiency in supporting your community's safety. 




The first two reports available include PHS Invitations vs. Submitted and Applicant Snapshot.


PHS Invitations vs. Submitted


The PHS Invitation vs. Submitted report compares the number of Personal History Statement (PHS) invitations sent to applicants and the number of completed PHS submissions received. This report provides insights into applicant details, engagement, and status during the background investigation process.



Applicant Snapshot


The Applicant Snapshot report offers a centralized view of key information for each applicant, including personal details, background data, investigator assignment, and more. By analyzing this report, you can gain valuable insights into the composition of your applicant pool, identify trends in demographics, and assess eligibility criteria compliance.



Admins will see a new tab labeled Report on their dashboard to access it.


Note: Additional reports for Investigator Workload, Disqualifications, and more will soon be available.


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